Медицинский туризм(MEDICAL TOURISM)

Русская версияTranslated from the Russian language俄译汉

Учреждение в своем составе имеет 32 терапевтических участка и дневной стационар на 37 коек, функционирующих в 2 смены. В составе поликлиники 3 терапевтических отделения.

Два отделения сформированы из врачей терапевтов участковых и врачей общей врачебной практики. В  составе терапевтических отделений 32 терапевтических участка. Одно отделение сформировано из врачей узких специальностей терапевтического профиля. Для проведения обследования и лечения больных в состав поликлиники входят хирургическое отделение, клинико-диагностическая лаборатория, рентгенологическое отделение, эндоскопический кабинет и физиотерапевтическое отделение, а также кабинеты врачей общей практики. Отделение общей врачебной практики расположено в офисе  по адресу: ул. Кантемирова 11/1. Из 32 участков врачами общей практики обслуживаются 16 участков. Кабинеты врачей общей практики оснащены в соответствии с порядками оказания медицинской помощи. Прикрепленное для обслуживания Учреждением население на 01.01.2020 года составляло 53189 человек (по данным ГБУЗ АО «Амурский медицинский информационно аналитический центр»).

В  ГАУЗ АО «Городская поликлиника №1»  Вы можете получить консультацию врачей более чем 20 специальностей. Консультативный прием ведут опытные, квалифицированные врачи, имеющие большой опыт работы. При необходимости специалисты приедут к вам на дом.

В диагностических отделениях ГАУЗ АО «Городская поликлиника №1»   возможно проведение всех видов инструментальной диагностики. Кабинеты оснащены самым современным оборудованием, что позволяет оперативно проводить все необходимые исследования, выявлять нарушения и патологии, следить за ходом лечения и предотвращать дальнейшее развитие заболеваний.

Несомненным преимуществом ГАУЗ АО «Городская поликлиника №1»  является широкий спектр применяемых методов лечения. Врачи для каждого пациента разрабатывают индивидуальную схему лечения, которая может включать в себя медикаментозную терапию, физиотерапию, а также эфферентные  методы лечения (ВЛОК, УФОК, УВТ) и индивидуальную схему реабилитации ( ЛФК, физиотерапия, массаж).  При необходимости возможно хирургическое лечение заболеваний. Организм человека подвержен разнообразным вирусным и инфекционным заболеваниям, с возрастом увеличивается риск появления различных нарушений и патологий, поэтому пристальное внимание к своему здоровью, регулярные профилактические осмотры у врача, своевременное проведение иммунизации против различных инфекций ( корь, дифтерия, клещевой энцефалит и другие) — залог здоровья и долгих лет полноценной жизни.

В ГАУЗ АО «Городская поликлиника №1»  Вы можете пройти комплексное медицинское обследование (медицинский осмотр у нескольких специалистов, все необходимые анализы и диагностические обследования) быстро и по привлекательным ценам.

В ГАУЗ АО «Городская поликлиника №1»  проводятся оперативные вмешательства по всем направлениям современной медицины. Операционный блок дневного стационара поликлиники оснащен современным в том числе эндоскопическим  оборудованием, что позволяет проводить малотравматичные операции.  В ГАУЗ АО «Городская поликлиника №1»  в кратчайшие сроки можно пройти все виды медицинских осмотров (консультации нужных специалистов, анализы, флюорографию и т.д.) для получения медицинских справок и других официальных медицинских документов. Обратившись к терапевту в ГАУЗ АО «Городская поликлиника №1»  вы можете оформить: справку в ГИБДД, справку формы 086/у для устройства на работу, санаторно-курортную карту и другие справки, а также медицинские книжки для всех групп.

Современную медицину невозможно представить без анализов. ГАУЗ АО «Городская поликлиника №1»  располагает клинико-диагностической лабораторией,  где осуществляются различные виды лабораторных анализов и исследований: биохимические, иммунологические, гематологические, коагулогические исследования крови, общеклинические исследования мочи, отделяемого мочеполовых органов, определение групп крови, резус-принадлежности, онкомаркеров и многое другое.


Прейскурант цен на услуги оказываемые учреждением за плату 

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* Обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что данный прейскурант носит исключительно информационный характер и не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи №437 (2) Гражданского кодекса РФ и постановлением Правительства Российской Федерации от 4 октября 2012 г. N 1006  “Об утверждении Правил предоставления медицинскими организациями платных медицинских услуг”


The health care institution has 32 therapeutic districts and a day patient department for 37 beds, functioning in 2 shifts. The polyclinic has 3 therapeutic departments.

Two departments are formed of general practitioners and general practice doctors. The therapeutic departments include 32 therapeutic districts. One department consists of doctors of particular specialties of a therapeutic profile. For examination and treatment of patients, the polyclinic includes a surgical department, a clinical diagnostic laboratory, an X-ray department, an endoscopic room and a physiotherapy department, as well as general practitioners’ offices. The department of general medical practice is located in the office at: Kantemirova street 11/1. Of the 32 districts, general practitioners serve 16 districts. The offices of general practice doctors are equipped in accordance with the procedures for the provision of medical care. The population assigned for servicing by the Institution as of January 01, 2020 was 53189 people (according to the data of State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Amur Region “Amur medical information and analytical center”).

In the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Amur Region “Municipal Polyclinic №1” you can get medical advice from more than 20 specialties. Advisory reception is conducted by experienced, qualified doctors with extensive experience. If necessary, medical professionals will come to your home.

It is possible to conduct all types of instrumental diagnostics in the diagnostic departments of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Amur Region (SBHI AR) “Municipal Polyclinic №1”. The rooms are equipped with the most modern equipment, which allows you to quickly carry out all the necessary studies, identify violations and pathologies, monitor the progress of treatment and prevent the further development of diseases.

The undoubted advantage of SBHI AR “Municipal Polyclinic №1” is a wide range of treatment methods. Doctors for each patient are developing an individual treatment regimen, which may include drug therapy, physiotherapy, as well as efferent treatment methods (intravascular laser blood irradiation, ultraviolet irradiation, Low-Energy Shockwave Therapy) and an individual rehabilitation regimen (exercise therapy, physiotherapy, massage). If necessary, surgical treatment of diseases is possible. The human body is susceptible to a variety of virus and infectious diseases, with age, the risk of various disturbances and pathologies increases, so careful attention to your health, regular preventive examinations by a doctor, timely immunization against various infections (measles, diphtheria, tick-borne encephalitis and others) are a guarantee health and long productive life.

In SBHI AR “Municipal Polyclinic №1” you can undergo a comprehensive medical examination (medical examination by several specialists, all the necessary tests and diagnostic examinations) quickly and at attractive prices.

In SBHI AR “Municipal Polyclinic №1” surgical interventions are carried out in all directions of modern medicine. The operating unit of the day patient department is equipped with modern endoscopic equipment, which allows carry out less traumatic operations. As soon as possible you can obtain all types of medical clearance (consultations of the necessary specialists, analyzes, fluorography, etc.) to receive medical certificates and other official medical documents. Seek medical attention of a therapeutic at SBHI AR “Municipal Polyclinic №1”, you can apply for: a certificate for the General Administration for Traffic Safety, a certificate of form 086 / y for a job, a sanatorium and health resort card form and other certificates, as well as medical cards for all groups.

It is impossible to imagine modern medicine without analysis. SBHI AR “Municipal Polyclinic №1” has a clinical diagnostic laboratory where various types of laboratory tests and studies are carried out: biochemical, immunological, hematological, coagulation testing of blood, general clinical tests of urine and urethral and vaginal discharge, determination of blood groups, Rh affinity, tumor markers and much more.

Appendix 1 to Order No.___________ dated ____________________
Approved  by
Medical director of
SBHI AR “Municipal Polyclinic №1”
___________________ N.N. Sapko
January 01,  2020
Price list of ceiling prices
State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Amur Region “Municipal Polyclinic №1”
Service code Service description Price, rub.
1. Advisory receptions
(without the cost of manipulations, laboratory tests and additional procedures)
1 B01.047.001.001             (B01.047.002.001) Appointment with a general practitioner of superior expert category, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 500,0
2 B01.001.001 Appointment with an obstetrics and gynecology doctor, initial consultation/examination

(examination, taking smears for flora and cell smear)

3 B01.002.001


Appointment with an allergologist-immunologist of superior expert category, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 500,0
4 B01.004.001


Appointment with a gastroenterologist, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 450,0
5 B01.008.001 Appointment with a dermatovenerologist, initial consultation/examination


6 B01.014.001


Appointment with an infectious disease physician, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 450,0
7 B01.015.001 (B01.015.002) Appointment with a heart health expert, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 450,0
8 B01.023.001.001 (B01.023.002.001) Appointment with a neurologist of superior expert category, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 500,0
9 B01.025.001 (B01.025.002) Appointment with a nephrologist, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 450,0
10 B01.027.001 (B01.027.002) Appointment with an oncologist, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 450,0
11 B01.028.001.001 (B01.028.002.001) Appointment with an oto-rhyno-laryngologist of superior expert category, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 500,0
12 B01.029.001.001 (B01.029.002.001) Appointment with an eye care practitioner  of superior expert category, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 500,0
13 B01.040.001 (B01.040.002) Appointment with a rheumatologist of superior expert category, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 500,0
14 B01.050.001 (B01.050.002) Appointment with a trauma orthopedist of superior expert category, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 500,0
15 B01.053.001.001 (B01.053.002.001) Appointment with an urologist of superior expert category, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 500,0
16 B01.057.001.001 (B01.057.002.001) Appointment with a surgeon of superior expert category, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 500,0
17 B01.058.001.001 (B01.058.002.001) Appointment with a thyroid specialist of superior expert category, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 500,0
18 B01.037.001 (B01.037.002) Appointment with a pulmonologist, initial (follow-up) consultation/examination 450,0
2. Services of the functional diagnostics office

(one research study)

19 A05.23.002.001 Computer rheoencephalography 400,0
20 A12.09.002 Provoked tidal volumes (spirography)  testing 350,0
21 A05.10.008.001 Holter heart rate monitoring 800,0
22 A05.10.008.002 Holter heart rate monitoring with blood pressure measurement 900,0
23 A05.10.006 ECG tracing 350,0
24 A05.23.001 Electroencephalography  (EEG) 600,0
25 A05.10.004 Scoring, description and interpretation of electrocardiographic findings 120,0
3. Services of the ultrasonic diagnosis office

(one research study)

26 A04.14.001    A04.14.002 Ultrasound investigation of the liver, gallbladder 400,0
27 А 04.28.001 Ultrasound investigation of the kidneys and adrenal glands 400,0
28 A04.28.002.003 Ultrasound investigation of the bladder 380,0
29 A04.21.001 Ultrasound investigation of the prostatic gland and bladder 480,0
30 A04.20.001 Ultrasound investigation of the uterus and uterine annexes 600,0
31 A04.16.001 Complex ultrasound investigation of the abdominal organs (liver, gall bladder, pancreas gland, spleen) 650,0
32 A04.14.001  A04.14.002 Ultrasound investigation of the liver, gallbladder (with CDI (Colour Doppler Imaging)) 600,0
33 A04. Ultrasound investigation of the kidneys (with CDI (Colour Doppler Imaging)) 600,0
34 A04.06.001 Ultrasound investigation of the spleen (with CDI (Colour Doppler Imaging)) 450,0
35 A04.12.006.001 Duplex ultrasonography screening of the lower extremity arteries with CDI and measuring ankle-brachial index 1300,0
36  A04.12.005 Duplex ultrasonography screening of the upper extremity arteries 950,0
37  A04.12.006.002 Duplex ultrasonography screening of the lower extremity veins 1000,0
38  A04.12.005.004 Duplex ultrasonography screening of the upper extremity veins 950,0
39 A04.12.005.005 Main arteries of the head testing 1000,0
40 A04.04.001.002 Ultrasound investigation of the joint with CDI (Colour Doppler Imaging) 550,0
41 A04.22.001 Ultrasound investigation of the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands 500,0
42 A04.20.002 Ultrasound investigation of the mammary glands 600,0
43 A04.15.001 Ultrasound investigation of the pancreas gland 400,0
44 A04.04.001 Ultrasound investigation of the joint 450,0
45 A04.10.002 Echocardiography 750,0
46 A04.14.001.005 Liver elastometry (non-invasive diagnostics of fibrosis and liver cirrhosis using the FibroScan device) 1 500,0
4. Services of the medical treatment room
(without the cost of drugs)
47 A11.12.009 Peripheral vein blood draw 80,0
48 A11.02.002 Intramuscular injection of medicinal drugs 60,0
49 A11.12.003.001 Intravenous injection of medicinal drugs 120,0
50 A11.12.003.002 Intravenous injection of medicinal drugs (miv) 180,0
5. Services of the  X-ray examination office

(cost of one study)

51 A06.10.002 Three-dimensional heart X-ray study 800,0
52 A06.16.006 X-ray study and fluoroscopy of the stomach and dodecadactylon 1 300,0
53 A06.08.003 X-ray study of the accessory sinuses of the nose 400,0
54 A06.03.010 X-ray study of the cervical spine 600,0
55 A06.03.013 X-ray study of the thoracic spine 700,0
56 A06.03.015 X-ray study of the lumbar spine (biplane X-ray) 700,0
57 A06.03.053 Biplane X-ray of the foot 600,0
58 A06.09.007.002 X-ray study of the lungs (biplane X-ray) 550,0
59 A06.09.007.003 X-ray study of the lungs (three-dimensional X-ray) 630,0
60 A06.04.005 X-ray study of the knee joint 500,0
61 A06.08.006 Tomography of the accessory sinuses of the nose, larynx 700,0
62 A06.09.008 Tomography of the lungs 800,0
63 A06. Digital fluorography of the lungs 200,0
64 A06.20.004 Mammography (frontal projection and oblique projection) 750,0
6. Laboratory service
(cost of one study)
65 A11.05.001 Fingerstick 40,0
66 B03.016.003 Detailed clinical blood analysis 170,0
66 B03.016.006 Clinical urine analysis 100,0
67 A09.05.045 Blood amylase activity test 125,0
67 A09.05.010 Blood total protein level test 70,0
68 A09.05.021 Bld bili level (direct bilirubin and indirect bilirubin) test 90,0
68 A09.05.003 Blood total hemoglobin level test 70,0
69 A09.05.004 High-density lipoproteins level test 150,0
69 A09.05.028 Low-density lipoproteins level test 150,0
70 A09.05.017 Blood urea level test 100,0
70 A09.05.023 Blood glucose level test 80,0
71 A12.05.005 AB0 blood typing, D antigen testing (rhesus factor) 175,0
72 A09.05.026 Blood cholesterol level test 90,0
73 A09.05.020 Blood creatinine level test 150,0
74 A09.05.018 sUA level test 140,0
75 A26.05.020 Hepatitis B virus molecular-biological analysis (enzyme multiplied immunoassay for hepatitis B) 250,0
76 A26.05.019 Hepatitis C virus molecular-biological analysis (enzyme multiplied immunoassay for hepatitis C) 250,0
77 A26.06.082.002 Treponema pallidum antibody test by immunoenzyme method (ELISA for syphilis) 300,0
78 A26.06.049.002 Cerum and blood plasma HIV 1,2 Ag/Ab Combo by ELISA test, issue an international certificate 300,0
7. Services of the endoscopic office

(cost per procedure without the cost of laboratory tests)

79 A03.16.001 Diagnostic esophagogastroduodenoscopy 800,0
80 A03.18.001 Colonoscopy (diagnostic rectosigmocolonoscopy) 2 200,0
8. Surgery Services
(without the cost of laboratory and diagnostic tests, the cost of operative measure)
81 A16.25.012 Pharyngotympanic tube insufflation with drug 310,0
81 A11.08.020 Anemisation the nasal mucous membranes 170,0
82 A11.08.023.001 Instillation of drugs in upper respiratory tract diseases (insufflations of powder to the ENT- organs) 170,0
83 A16.25.007 Removal of ear wax (one ear) 300,0
84 A16.08.016 Irrigation the tonsillar lacunae 330,0
85 A11.08.005 Septal blockade 230,0
86 A11.08.023.002 Instillation of drugs in upper respiratory tract diseases (Instillation of drug to the larynx) 200,0
87 A16.08.007 Removal of foreign body from the pharynx or larynx 450,0
88 A11.08.023.003 Instillation of drugs in upper respiratory tract diseases (lubrication the mucous membrane of  the oropharynx with drugs) 180,0
89 A16.25.008 Removal of foreign body from the external acoustic aperture 350,0
90 A23.26.001 Spectacle correction 230,0
91 A11.26.011 Para- and retrobulbar injections 90,0
92 A03.26.020 Computer perimetry 500,0
93 A16.26.051 Removal of foreign body from the corneal 650,0
94 A16.01.016 Removal of atheroma (and other soft tissue formations) 1 500,0
95 A16.01.012 Incision and drainage of a phlegmon (abscess) 1 500,0
96 A16.01.018.001 Removal of benign tumors using the laser device “Lahta-Milon” (HO) 650,0
9. Additional services
97 B04.014.004.001 Flu vaccination 500,0
98 B04.014.004.002 Measles vaccination 330,0
99 B04.014.004.003 Tick-borne encephalitis vaccination 1 100,0
100 B04.014.004.004 Pneumococcal disease vaccination 2 360,0






阿穆尔州国家自治卫生机构《市第№1综合诊所》的优势无疑是广泛的应用治疗方法。每个患者的医生都在制定一种单独的治疗方案,其中可能包括药物治疗、物理治疗以及外输的治疗方法(静脉内激光照射血液疗法、紫外线辐射血液疗法、冲击波疗法)和单独的康复方案(治疗性训练、物理治疗、按摩)。如有必要,可以对疾病进行手术治疗。随着年龄的增长,人体容易感染各种病毒和传染病,各种疾病和病理的风险会增加,因此,请密切注意您的健康,定期看医生进行定期预防性检查,及时接种各种感染(麻疹、白喉、传播性脑炎等)的疫苗 – 保证健康和长寿。


在阿穆尔州国家自治卫生机构《市第№1综合诊所》,可以进行现代医学所有领域的外科手术。日间诊所的手术室配备了现代化的设备,包括可以进行微创手术的内窥镜设备。在阿穆尔州国家自治卫生机构《市第№1综合诊所》可以在最短的期限内进行各种体格检查(必要的专家咨询、化验、透视检查等),以获取体检证书和其他正式医疗文件。找到阿穆尔州国家自治卫生机构《市第№1综合诊所》的治疗师,您可以申请办理:交警证明书、086 / y格式工作证明书、疗养卡和其他证明、以及所有人群的健康手册。


                 日第№    号命令附件№1
« »






序号 服务代码 价格(卢布)


1 B01.047.001.001             (B01.047.002.001) 高级内科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 500.00
2 B01.001.001 妇产科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询)(检查,对菌群和细胞学涂片检查) 550.00
3 B01.002.001 (B01.002.002) 高级过敏症免疫科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 500.00
4 B01.004.001 (B01.004.002) 肠胃科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 450.00
5 B01.008.001 皮肤性病科专科医生初次接诊(检查、咨询) 450.00
6 B01.014.001 (B01.014.002) 传染病科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 450.00
7 B01.015.001 (B01.015.002) 心脏病科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 450.00
8 B01.023.001.001 (B01.023.002.001) 高级神经科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 500.00
9 B01.025.001 (B01.025.002) 肾病科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 450.00
10 B01.027.001 (B01.027.002) 肿瘤科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 450.00
11 B01.028.001.001 (B01.028.002.001) 高级耳鼻喉科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 500.00
12 B01.029.001.001 (B01.029.002.001) 高级眼科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 500.00
13 B01.040.001 (B01.040.002) 高级风湿病科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 500.00
14 B01.050.001 (B01.050.002) 高级骨伤矫形外科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 500.00
15 B01.053.001.001 (B01.053.002.001) 高级泌尿科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 500.00
16 B01.057.001.001 (B01.057.002.001) 高级外科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 500.00
17 B01.058.001.001 (B01.058.002.001) 高级内分泌科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 500.00
18 B01.037.001 (B01.037.002) 肺病科专科医生初次(再次)接诊(检查、咨询) 450.00


19 A05.23.002.001 脑血流描记法 400.00
20 A12.09.002 睡眠潮气量测定(呼吸电感体积描记法) 350.00
21 A05.10.008.001 动态心电图监测 800.00
22 A05.10.008.002 动态心电图监测血压 900.00
23 A05.10.006 心电图描记 350.00
24 A05.23.001 脑电图描记法 600.00
25 A05.10.004 心电图数据的解码、描述和解释 120.00


26 A04.14.001    A04.14.002 肝脏、胆囊超声检查 400.00
27 А 04.28.001 肾脏和肾上腺超声检查 400.00
28 A04.28.002.003 膀胱超声检查 380.00
29 A04.21.001 前列腺和膀胱超声检查 480.00
30 A04.20.001 子宫和附件超声检查 600.00
31 A04.16.001 腹部器官(肝脏、胆囊、胰腺、脾脏)综合超声检查 650.00
32 A04.14.001  A04.14.002 肝脏和胆囊超声检查(彩色多普勒显像(彩超)) 600.00
33 A04. 肾脏超声检查(彩色多普勒显像(彩超)) 600.00
34 A04.06.001 脾脏超声检查(彩色多普勒显像(彩超)) 450.00
35 A04.12.006.001 (彩色多普勒显像(彩超))双重扫描下肢动脉并测定踝臂指数(ABI) 1300.00
36 A04.12.005 双重扫描上肢动脉 950.00
37 A04.12.006.002 双重扫描下肢静脉 1000.00
38 A04.12.005.004 双重扫描上肢静脉 950.00
39 A04.12.005.005 头部主要动脉检查 1000.00
40 A04.04.001.002 关节超声检查(彩色多普勒显像(彩超)) 550.00
41 A04.22.001 甲状腺和甲状旁腺的超声检查 500.00
42 A04.20.002 乳房超声检查 600.00
43 A04.15.001 胰腺超声检查 400.00
44 A04.04.001 关节超声检查 450.00
45 A04.10.002 超声心动图检查 750.00
46 A04.14.001.005 肝弹性测定(在FibroScan设备上非侵入性诊断肝纤维化和肝硬化) 1 500.00


47 A11.12.009 外周静脉采血 80.00
48 A11.02.002 肌内注射 60.00
49 A11.12.003.001 静脉给药 120.00
50 A11.12.003.002 静脉给药(滴注) 180.00
5. X光室服务


51 A06.10.002 心脏X射线三个投影 800.00
52 A06.16.006 胃和十二指肠的X射线检查和X射线透视检查 1 300.00
53 A06.08.003 鼻窦X射线检查 400.00
54 A06.03.010 颈椎X射线检查 600.00
55 A06.03.013 胸椎X射线检查 700.00
56 A06.03.015 腰椎的X射线检查(两个投影) 700.00
57 A06.03.053 脚部的X射线检查(两个投影) 600.00
58 A06.09.007.002 肺部X射线检查(两个投影) 550.00
59 A06.09.007.003 肺部X射线检查(三个投影) 630.00
60 A06.04.005 膝盖的X射线检查 500.00
61 A06.08.006 鼻窦、喉断层扫描 700.00
62 A06.09.008 肺部断层扫描 800.00
63 A06. 数字化肺部萤光照相术 200.00
64 A06.20.004 乳腺摄影(直接和倾斜投影) 750.00


65 A11.05.001 从手指取血 40.00
66 B03.016.003 (临床)血液常规检查 170.00
66 B03.016.006 (临床)尿液常规检查 100.00
67 A09.05.045 血液淀粉酶活性测定 125.00
67 A09.05.010 血液中总蛋白质水平检测 70.00
68 A09.05.021 血液中(直接和非直接)总胆红素水平检测 90.00
68 A09.05.003 血液中总血红蛋白水平检测 70.00
69 A09.05.004 血液中高密度脂蛋白胆固醇检测 150.00
69 A09.05.028 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇检测 150.00
70 A09.05.017 血尿素检测 100.00
70 A09.05.023 血糖检测 80.00
71 A12.05.005 根据ABO血型系统确定主要血型,确定恒河猴系统D抗原(恒河猴因子) 175.00
72 A09.05.026 血胆固醇检测 90.00
73 A09.05.020 血肌酐检测 150.00
74 A09.05.018 血尿酸检测 140.00
75 A26.05.020 乙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis B virus)血液的分子生物学检测(“乙型肝炎” ELISA检测) 250.00
76 A26.05.019 丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C virus)血液的分子生物学检测(丙型肝炎的ELISA检测) 250.00
77 A26.06.082.002 通过酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA检测)测定血液中的苍白密螺旋体(Treponema pallidum)抗体(梅毒ELISA检测) 300.00
78 A26.06.049.002 使用国际证书通过ELISA法测定人血清和血浆中HIV-1和HIV-2第0组的同时抗体和HIV-1抗原(p24) 300.00


79 A03.16.001 诊断性食管胃十二指肠镜检查术 800.00
80 A03.18.001 结肠镜检查(诊断性乙状结肠镜检查术) 2 200.00


81 A16.25.012 耳道通气法并引入药物 310.00
81 A11.08.020 鼻粘膜贫血 170.00
82 A11.08.023.001 滴注上呼吸道疾病的药物(在耳鼻喉器官中注入粉末) 170.00
83 A16.25.007 耳垢清除(一只耳朵) 300.00
84 A16.08.016 扁桃体腔冲洗 330.00
85 A11.08.005 鼻内麻醉 230.00
86 A11.08.023.002 滴注上呼吸道疾病的药物(将药物注入喉部) 200.00
87 A16.08.007 去除咽或喉的异物 450.00
88 A11.08.023.003 滴注上呼吸道疾病的药物(用药物润滑口咽的粘膜) 180.00
89 A16.25.008 从耳朵眼儿处清除异物 350.00
90 A23.26.001 验光 230.00
91 A11.26.011 球旁和球后注射 90.00
92 A03.26.020 电脑视野检查 500.00
93 A16.26.051 去除角膜异物 650.00
94 A16.01.016 去除动脉粥样硬化(和其他软组织形式) 1 500.00
95 A16.01.012 揭破蜂窝组织炎及(脓肿)引流术 1 500.00
96 A16.01.018.001 用“ Lakhta-Milon”(XO)激光设备清除良性肿瘤 650.00
97 B04.014.004.001 流感疫苗接种 500.00
98 B04.014.004.002 麻疹疫苗接种 330.00
99 B04.014.004.003 蜱传脑炎疫苗接种 1 100.00
100 B04.014.004.004 肺炎球菌疫苗 2 360.00